Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Goals for Kindergarten

Academically your child will be able to:

Know full name Recognize first and last name Print first and last name

Identifies colors

Identifies and describes shapes

Names the days of the week

Count to 100

Recognize numerals 1-20

Match numerals 1-20

Write numerals 1-20

Extends a pattern

Recognizes + and – symbols

Solves simple addition and subtraction problems

Tells time to the hour

Measures objects with nonstandard units

Identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)

Creates half of a whole

Recognize all capitol and lower case letters of the alphabet

Recognize beginning sounds of all letters of the alphabet

Recognize 37 high frequency words

Recognize rhyming words

Distinguishes between real and make-believe

Predicts, comprehends and retells stories

Hears and manipulates sounds in words

Writes a sentence using phonetic spelling

Motor Development:




Glues neatly

Participates in PE and music class

Along with the academic and motor development areas, your child will learn to work with others, listen attentively, follow directions, participate in class and be responsible for their materials and possessions

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